Roomba Not Charging | 7 way to Fix it

Roomba Not Charging | How To Fix?

Roomba a smart robotic Vaccum cleaner operated by remote and powered by battery backup. In an earlier article, we published that the cloud can not talk to Roomba by fixing it using a simple way. This article fixes the charging issue with Roomba iRoboto if your vacuum cleaner not charging due to any reason. A Roomba is a robot vacuum cleaner so it’s turned on with battery backup and it has to charge before use for clearing. Roomba vacuum cleaner is charged by its docking station that comes with Roomba so while facing charging issues with the vacuum cleaner make sure your plugged Roomba into the docking station properly. Roomba won’t charge it does not mean the device got damaged because there are many possibilities that prevent Roomba from getting charged.

In some case, Roomba not charging is a cable glitch or power failure in the power socket you trying to charge or power cord damage or burn that connecting to a power source. There are many reasons that can stop charging Roomba vacuum cleaner batter and can be fixed with simple quick troubleshooting steps. Follow steps to solve Roomba wont charging or not powering On due to battery drain completely

Why is Roomba Battery Not charging?

Before going through troubleshooting steps we have to understand what is the reason that stopping Roomba vacuum clear to charge and what is the solution for each issue that stopping Roomba to get charged. After understanding the reason as given below you will get the answer to why is my Roomba not charging that you want to fix.

  • Power Socket Damage or Not connected to Power
  • Roomba Power Cable damaged or loose connection with socket
  • Not properly connected to Charge docking station.
  • Battery connection loose or dead
  • iRobot charging station breaks down.
  • iRobot Vacuum cleaner got hanged due to wrong power source.
  • Software not responding or issue with outdated software.

These are the reason that prevents the Roomba battery not charging even while properly connected to power and other thing working.  You can fix Roomba charging problem step by step to troubleshoot the above reason.

1: Check wall Power Socket

The main and common reason could be a power socket problem or a Power issue in the wall socket if irobot not charging. Just change the Power socket or try connecting Power Dock to a different power socket where power working to confirm that the Roomba power dock getting power from the source.

Also power socket loose connection or damage that might Roomba charger not working even power socket working. Remove the cable and plugged it properly to get power in Irobot Roomba charging dock.

2: Roomba Power Cable damage

Yet another possible reason might Roomba docking station power cable is either damaged or not plugged properly to the power socket. First, unplug the Roomba dock power cable and plug it properly, and if not working then check if the Power cable is not damaged physically.

Change the Roomba charging dock cable with a different cable and check if the  docking start working and shows battery charging status.

3: Roomba not properly connected to  dock or dirty Dock contacts

Romba stopped charging or Roomba does not charge also possible if you did not properly plug the Roomba unit into the docking station. A loose connection with iRobot might problem that prevents the Roomba battery to start charging. Whenever putting Roomba to charging dock make sure its connected o internet and power socket turn on.

Also, dirty dock contact might problem while charging the Roomba device. Clean Dock station contact point properly and connect Roomba again to check if the charging issue fixed

4: Roomba Battery lose or Dead

Roomba will not charge if the battery is dead or the battery connection lose. Remove the battery and make sure it’s properly plugged into the Roomba irobot unit. Also, make sure the battery is dead or performance reduce compare to before charging status.

To fix the Roomba charging issue just remove the battery and replace it with a new battery then make sure it start charging

5: Docking station breaks down.

Roomba charge dock light goes off or dock station damage or break down can be the reason of Roomba won’t charge. Simply check all connection with the Roomba dock and try to plug the device properly and see if Roomba start charging again. If still Roomba not charging then replace the Dock charge station with the new one.

6: Update Roomba latest software

Irobot says up latest Roomba means its latest model number but to keep it bugs free always update the largest software release that fixes all bugs from your Roomba iRobot device.

Connect Roomba to the internet and check for the latest update firmware if any are available. Update software power off and check if the Charging issue is fixed with the latest software updates.

7: Factory Reset Roomba

If the above steps are not able to fix your irobot charge problems then the final step before replacing the Roomba device with a new one is to make the Roomba factory reset to restore into default mode.

To factory Reset Roomba just hold the clean button down for 10 seconds and when the indicator light starts flashing just release the button and Roomba should restart automatically.

Wait a few minutes until it’s restoring to default mode and check again.


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