The Cloud Cannot Talk To Roomba [SOLVED]

The Cloud Cannot Talk To Roomba

The cloud cannot talk to Roomba seems a communication problem with iRobot Roomba wifi and internet connection. Cloud does not connect with Roomba in case the internet is down or the device is not able to connect with Wifi due to any reasons. Fixing Roomba not connecting to wifi is not a big deal if you troubleshoot the exact problem step by step. The reason my WiFi not connecting with Roomba can be incompatible wifi routers, Weak WiFi signal range, Internet frequent disconnecting from the ISP side, and the Internet router not being stable in the Wireless network. To fix the issue “The cloud cannot talk to Roomba will solve once your internet working properly and Irobot can get proper WiFi range in every area.

If your iRobot Rommba device gets a message “ Roomba® does not have a cloud connection” seems time to check your internet and wifi connection with Roomba.

How to Fix Cloud cannot talk to Roomba?

You can not predict the exact reason Roomba failed to connect with the cloud because there are several causes that and disconnect the cloud from the internet so follows the steps below.

Roomba Properly Connected to WiFi Network

While setup Roomba makes sure your IRobot device is properly connected to WiFi. Check if you have used the correct WiFi security key to connect from the WiFi internet net. You can use IRobot mobile apps again to connect WiFi with passwords again to ensure it is connected to the internet. If you have recently changed your WiFI password or replaced the WiFi router that can be also the reason Roomba not connecting to the cloud, you need to connect the robot with an updated Wifi password using apps.

Robot Getting Wi-Fi signal Properly

Roomba wont connect to wifi in a specific area might problem with the coverage of your wifi signals. To fix the low WiFi signal issue you need a long-range wireless router that can give wifi range to each place where the robot keeps connected to the cloud while you doing the cleaning. You can also relocate your WiFi router to a centralized location where Roomba® Robot Vacuum Cleaners can get excellent strength or you may use a WiFi signal booster device to fix wifi signal problems.

Try Connection Robot with WiFi Again

Give a chance to try Robot to establish the connection again with wifi. Just force close mobile apps and open them again.  Verify that App opens and the robot is visible. Wait about 30 seconds to give robot to try to attempt to establish a connection with the internet.

Try Rebooting Robot to connect again with WiFi

To Reboot Roomba robot just press and hold the cleaning button for 20 seconds. This process may take about two minutes to fully reboot iRobot and re-establish the connection.

Check Firewall Ports 8080, 443 8883, and 123 should Open

If you have enabled a firewall on your WiFi router to protect from outside attacks. Make sure port numbers 8080, 443 8883, and 123 open on the firewall, and it’s not getting blocked.

Robot Is On Its Charging Station

Make sure your Robot Roomba Vaccum cleaner is on its charging station or evac dock and that it is properly charging. IF robot is not seated properly will quickly drain battery power and lose its connection with the cloud that can be the reason of cloud cannot talk to Roomba.

Confirm Service Outage from Internet providers

If you still facing problems with the cloud not connecting to Roomba then contact your internet providers and confirm if there is any service outage and wireless mobile carriers are not experiencing service or bandwidth issues.

Reboot or Turn Off  WiFi Router

Sometimes router running for longer periods occur hanging and stuck issue with the device that gives you unstable wifi and internet dropping problems. Just Turn off the Wireless router for a few minutes and turn it on again. Wait a few seconds until irobot attempts to establish a connection try again with the Wi-Fi network.

If still roomba not connecting to wifi and not talk to the cloud just set up your Roomba iRobot Vaccum clear again from starting. Follow steps to set up iRobot Roomba with WiFi networks.

Setup iRobot Roomba Vacuum Cleaner

To set up Roomba Vacuum Cleaners you need to connect with a WiFi network so your Irobot can talk to the cloud and you can manage it remotely from mobile apps while cleaning. You are required to download iRobot Mobile Apps to connect Roomba with WiFI networks. Follow steps to add and configure iRobot device to iRobot mobile apps to manage it from the phone.

  • Go to play store for Android and App Store for iPhone and download Irobot Mobile apps.
  • Open Irobot mobile Apps and click on the left side menu option.
  • Press Add a Robot button and go to Roomba (WiFi connected Vacuum Robot).
  • Setup stared will go through the checklist. The first option is Robot placement press continue.
  • What would you like to name your Robot – give a name to your iRobot anything you want.
  • Activate Roomba– Now Press the Spot+Home button simultaneously on the robot for 2 seconds and release. You will hear a sound.
  • Now Check the box “I Press the button and press” continue button.
  • The app will show “we found 1 robot” after successfully detecting your robot.
  • Roomba i755020 (tap to set up) – In the next window, Roboto will start connecting to Wi-Fi.
  • After WiFI connects Roboto will attempt to establish a cloud connection (this may take a few minutes so keep calm).
  • If iRobot runs older firmware and the cloud has the latest update firmware you will get the option to Software upgrade iRobot.
  • Press the Start update button to upgrade your iRobot with the latest software version. This may take approx 10 minutes so do not disturb while up-gradation finish.
  • Update in progress- PreparingDownloadingupdating
  • Setup is complete- Finish

After successful setup and configuration, you will not face the error “The cloud cannot talk to Roomba i7” and you can enjoy cleaning with your Roboto vacuum cleaner. If you still getting issues with Roomba not connecting to the cloud just visit iRobot official support forum to get similar problem solutions.

This Setup guide and troubleshooting is also compatible with Roomba 805, Roomba 614, Roomba 500 Series, IRobot Roomba i7, and other models.


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