X Admin Login Password Default Admin Login is C class network IP address from Network ID used in default login IP address with many leading brands router as well as cable modems. used as the default gateway IP address in Frontier cable modem that provides multi-service over coax cable such as internet and voice, TV. The login guide for IP address is similar to login any other IP address from the network series if you have a wireless router, frontier cable modem, or any other network device that managed by a web interface or command with login IP then this article useful for you.

You need to connect the router, modem either using a wireless or wired connection from a computer or laptop to access the router web interface using the default login credential. Default login credential also printed to router backside sticker so check router login password for IP address printed to your modem sticker.

Default Login username and password for

Usually, the default Login IP address and login password are printed to the router label or box while buying a new router or modem. If your router is older and the router label damaged not viewable then try the below login username password combination that might work with your modem and router.

Default Login IP address –

Username– admin

Password– admin or blank (no password)

For frontier router, if settings up the router the first time then you need to create a log in password during the first-time login as per your choice. If you trying to login configured frontier router with 192.168 .254.254 IP address then use the same password you configured.


Steps to Access Router with 192.168.254 .254

You need to connect the router, range extender, AP, or modem using wired or wireless if your router supports wifi also. Default WiFi name and WiFi key printed to router sticker you can use to connect for the first time.

  • If your router supports multiple Ethernet Port you can use any LAN port to connect your PC/Laptop or use wifi to connect using wireless.
  • Go to computer/Laptop LAN IP settings and make sure it’s in DHCP mode.

How to Fix WiFi Signal issue using Old WiFi Router

Access Web Interface

Open a web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Internet Explorer) and access and wait to load the login page asking for username and password. Avoid using the wrong IP format such as 192.168 l 254.254.

Login  User name– admin

Password– admin or use the same password you created.

Press the OK button to login into the router control panel where you get full access to router settings.

Once you login to the router you can configure the wireless setting, port forwarding, website block, user block, and schedule internet for parental control.

Change Wireless SSID name and password

If you are using the default Wi-Fi network name and password then it’s highly recommended to change the default wifi name.

To change the wireless name and password find wireless settings in the router settings menu. If your router support dual-band then you have to change both the wireless band name and password.

Wireless Settings

Wireless SSID – WiFi name (create a name for your wireless network as per your choice.)

Wireless Password- WPA2-PSK

Wi-Fi Key– Create WiFi new password using Alfa numeric key combination with a special character to make the stronger password.

Press Apply settings and connect all your wi-fi mobile, laptop, Wi-FI printer, and another WiFi user with a new password.

How to Reuse old WiFi Router with Different Modes

Change LAN Settings

If you are using multiple access points in the same network and want to change the default LAN IP address for your router then you can easily change 192.168,254,254 IP address with any other IP series.

Go to LAN settings.

IP Address- (change IP address with the new IP address as per your choice)

Subnet Mask– Login Troubleshooting

If you are a beginner and facing a login error while accessing your router with the default IP address as printed to the router sticker or getting an error site can’t be reached or refused connection then you have to follow troubleshooting steps to fix the login problem. not Working

Default IP address not working or talking to a long time to respond problem can come due to network configuration issue or router not belongs to IP address you are trying to access. Follow the steps to fix the login problem step by step.

  • Make sure the default IP address is printed to the router sticker you are using the same IP to access the router.
  • Check Computer/Laptop LAN IP settings should be in DHCP mode for a router or in static IP for any other network device.
  • Use the LAN port to access the router web interface. Do not use the WAN port to login to the router.
  • Make sure Login IP address is already not changed with different IP. Find router IP address first and access with the same IP address.
  • Make sure you are using or . if you use https //192.168.l.254 or www., 192.168 l 254.254, 192168254254 then you will be redirected to an error page.


If still unable to access the router web interface then you have to factory reset the router to restore into default mode.


Router Factory Reset to Restore

You can restore router into factory default mode using a tiny hard reset switch mostly available in all brand modems and routers.

Note: While making the router into reset mode will erase all configuration saved in the router so your router will not work for the internet until it restores configuration backup or configures again as per internet settings.

Only make router reset if you have configuration backup or other internet settings to setup again.


Steps to factory default Router

  • Locate a small reset switch beside Ethernet ports.
  • Use a needle or paper pin and press the reset button for 10 seconds
  • Keep monitor led lights and release button when power led and other led suddenly turn of and turn on again.
  • The router will automatically restart and will reboot into factory default mode.
  • This process may take 2-3 minutes so wait until Ping again.

These is simple steps to login router with IP address to set up and configure settings the first time and post configurations.if your router not working with this login IP address you can try,,,, and some most popular default IP address used by leading brands.


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