X Admin login Router Default Password Router Admin Login Username and Password

Every Wireless router, Wired Router, Cable modem, or ADSL/VDSL modem is preconfigured with default settings. LAN network configured with a default login IP address for first-time setup. Default Login IP address pre-configured for LAN network settings to access web interface in factory mode. is a private C class network IP address used for Local networks so if you can use it for your private networking. 192.168 86.1 IP address also needs a login username and password which can differ for each brand’s router and model number. default admin login IP address used by many leading brands and it’s also printed to router sticker with login credentials.

Although most of the router use default login IP address,, or so you may find a lot of login user manual to the same popular default IPs. If you have any Cable modem, WiFI router, Fiber ONT, or any other managed network device with default login IP 192.168.86 .1 then you must read this article to login into admin settings. To find a login IP address, username, and password along with router models and brands name just find a small sticker in router bottom or beside.

You need to connect your computer, laptop or mobile device to a router or modem either wireless or wired connection to access the web interfaces from browsers. If your router or modem is missing default login details due to the sticker not being available just try the login combination below to access your setting.

Default login settings for

Login Username and password for the first time usually printed to router sticker as well as quick user guide included with a box for the first time. If you lost the quick user manual for your router and trying to log in old network device just try below username password combinations.

Username Password
admin admin
admin password
admin 1234
admin admin123
root admin123

Just to get the exact login password for 192.168.86.l check the router sticker or search brand name and model in the official website.

Access from the Web browser

Before accessing router settings to the web browser, you have to make a connection with the router/modem using wired or wireless. Non-wireless only can use a wired connection and wireless routers can use wireless as well as wired.

  • Power ON router or modem device if it’s in off mode.
  • Use LAN cable for physical connection if WiFi is not supported. Connect LAN cable one side to router LAN port and other side PC/Laptop LAN Ports.
  • If your modem or Router support WiFi just uses the default WIFI name and Password printed to the sticker or if you already updated using the same to login router.
  • If using PC/Laptop, make sure LAN IP settings are in DHCP mode or in static mode.
  • Open a web browser and access and you will get the router login page.
  • Provide username and password for your router as default settings.

  • After login to the router control panel, you will get all admin settings such as LAN, WAN, Wireless, Security, System, Management, and others.

If you facing any problem while trying to access the router login page using 192.168.86 .1 IP address and login page not working or getting any other errors you need to fix it by following few steps.

Login IP Not Working Fix Error

There are many causes that the router is unable to access with the default IP address as printed to the router sticker. The problem can be with login settings, network connection, or any other network glitch that can fix using a few steps.

  • The first thing to check is a connection with the router is proper or not. Check if you using the wireless connection to connect the router see if connected to the same router as you wish to log in.
  • If using LAN connection make sure Lan cable working and connected to router LAN port instead of using WAN or internet ports.
  • If getting error not responding or taking a too long time to respond make sure default IP address not changed with the new IP address during the previous login.
  • Make sure login IP address typing proper instead of using the wrong IP such as 192.168,86.1. http//192.168.86.l or 192.168.86 .1 all will return to error.
  • If an access router login page but the wrong username or password or an invalid login password error then just try using the old password you have updated last time.
  • If you are still not able to login router due to an invalid username or password error just try making a hard reset router to restore into factory mode.

How to Fix Spectrum Router Red Light Error ?

How to restore Router with default login IP

To make the router factory reset there is a small reset button available on every router. Find a tiny reset button on your router beside or bottom side to restore settings in default mode and follow the steps.

  • Locate reset switch nearby LAN ports.
  • Press and hold the reset button for 10-15 seconds. (reset timing may differ for each brand so at least press 15 seconds)
  • The router will automatically restart after taking the reset command and takes a few seconds to reboot
  • After reboot router starts ping with default login, IP, and default login username and password will work.
  • Follow the above steps again to log in to the router using default settings and configure it again.

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