Mobile.Hotspot Login 4G Router To Change Wireless Settings

Mobile.Hotspot Login To Change Wireless Name And Password

Mobile.hotspot login url used to access 4G hotspot router from T-Mobile as well as Alcatel or if you gave Verizon Alcatel Avalon. If you are using a portable Travel 4G router from Tmobile or Alcatel brands then you need to manage default Wireless settings when you buy 4G router the first time.

Mobile.hotspot is a login URL for the default login of 4G hotspot router and portable router instead of using the default login IP address. There are two ways to access 4G hotspot router settings using IP address and using mobile.hotspot login URL.

When you buy a new 4G hotpsot router and you start using it for travel or portable wifi hotspot purposes but is always recommended to change the default wireless name and password that is preconfigured for the new 4G or 5G hotspot modem. Most of Using a Wifi hotspot is a smarter way to boost your wifi signal while you are unable to get a good signal on your mobile. Hotspot routers turn into a portable hotspot zone while you traveling or can not stay at home but you need to work as well.

This login manual helps you to access the Alcatel 4g hotspot or T-Mobile 4g hotspot using http://mobile.hotspot/login URL or using the default login IP address printed to a sticker.

Default login username and password for Alcatel /T-mobile 4G Hotspot Router

The default login username and password for T-Mobile Franklin T9 Mobile Hotspot 4G LTE Router or Franklink T10 4G router can be different login IP address and login password. To Login Tmobile 4g Router for any model mobile. hotspot login will be the same.

Default login IP address – or

Default Login URL – mobile.hotspot

Username and password– admin

Note- if this login password does not work, please find the default login credential printed on a sticker.

Login Hotspot Router using Mobile.Hotspot

This login manual helps for t mobile hotspots for students as well as home users or any business person who travels and uses a 4G hotspot travel router that needs to change the default Wifi name and password to keep it more secure.

  • Power ON the Hotspot router and wait a few moments until the wifi name is broadcasting.
  • Open Mobile/laptop or desktop WiFi settings and you will see the Hotspot Wifi name.
  • Use the default Wifi password to connect for the first time.
  • Open the browser and access http://mobile.hotspot or Login IP address or if different model use
  • You will redirected to the URL “mobile.hotspot/admin” where a username and password are required to login settings.
  • Use “admin” as the default login username and password or find the default login password printed on the sticker below the router battery.
  • You will get router settings where you will find the Wireless settings option to update the Wi-Fi name and password.

Change Wireless SSID name and password

To change Wireless settings go to the Wireless settings tab from the menu.

Or directly visit to “mobile.hotspot/settings/wifi-basic.html

Wireless- Basic settings

Under wireless settings, you will get the option to change your WiFI SSID and password.

Wireless (SSID)– Change the WIFI name here

Wireless Password– change the wifi password here.

If you have a 4G hotspot router with dual band wifi change the WIFI name and password for both bands.

Save settings and your mobile/laptop will disconnect from the hotspot router and you will get a new wifi name. connect your wifi again with a new WIFI name and password.

If you facing any issues while trying to access your 4G router using mobile.hotspot due to any firewall or software preventing url from accessing from the browser. You can use the IP address to log in 4G hotspot router.

You can also factory reset the 4G hotspot router to restore to default settings and set it up again.

This login manual works with 4G hotspot routers from Tmobile, Alcatel 4G hotspot routers as well as many others that use the default login IP address 1921.68.1.1 or as the default gateway IP address.


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