Login Router with Dlinkrouter.local

Login D-Link with dlinkrouter.local without IP

D-link router default login IP address 192.168.o.1 also printed to router sticker with login credentials. But how to login DLink router if the default login ip is changed and access the router without the login IP address? There are two ways to log in D Link Wireless router or ADSL modem using Default IP Address and the second is using dlinkrouter.local URL in case you don’t know IP address. This post will provide you with a simple user manual to access d’link router’s local web interface without the login IP address.

D’link router login needs either a physically wired connection or a wifi connection to access router settings page to web browsers. In the earlier d,link login guide we used the default IP 1920.168.0.1 to access router settings into the web browser so in this tutorial we will use the d-link router URL to login settings.

Steps to Access Dlinkrouter-local

The first step is to access the router’s settings to the web browsers in connection with the wireless router and DSL modem.

Connect the router using a wifi SSID or a wired LAN connection with an Ethernet port.

Go to PC/Laptop TCP/IPv4 settings and change auto obtain IP address options (DHCP mode)

Before D-Link router setup checks the default login username and password backside sticker of the router or find them below as well.

Default Login IP address and  URL-  dlinkrouter.local

Default username– Admin

Default d Link password– 1234, Blank or admin (depends on the router model check dlink router settings printed to router label and user guide comes with box)

Access router using Dlinkrouter .local

Open a web browser and access dlinkrouter.local to the URL bar for wi-fi router and dlinkap.local for the range extender.

After a few seconds, you will get the router login page (dlinkrouter.local/login) asking for a username and password.

You can find the router model Name- DIR-880L, Hardware version, firmware version, and Language change options.

In the old login web GUI, you will get a username and password option.

In the new Web GUI, you will get only the Admin Password option as shown below image.

http dlinkrouter local

You and change your Language from English to any other as supported by your country.

After success with full authentication, you will get dlinkap.local setup wizard to step by step setup WAN settings, Wireless settings, LAN settings, and other router configurations.

Dlinkrouter.local Troubleshooting

If you are facing an error while accessing http://dlinkrouter.local to a web browser and get an error refused connection and the site can’t reach then follow the steps to fix such kind of issue.


Dlink router login URL not working

  • Make sure your computer /Laptop LAN port is connected to the D-link router LAN port Not the WAN port.
  • Check PC LAN IP settings should be in DHCP mode or use static IP dlink default series.
  • Clear browser History and check if you are typing the correct URL http://dlinkrouter.local, not http //dlinkrouter.local./ will redirect to the error page only.
  • If trying to access the login IP address make sure to type mistake https //192.168.l.0.1 which can lead a 404 error page.

Best WiFi Router for Long Range

Login Password Not working for D-Link Wireless Router

If you got the d link login page but are unable to login to the router due to an incorrect username or password.

  • Check the default login password printed to the router sticker backside.
  • Make sure the caps lock is off and check the keyboard key properly working.
  • Make sure d link router password change is not done during the first time setup so try using the changed password.
  • You can use mydlink router password recovery option to restore the password if you set a recovery security question during the first time setup.
  • If still facing any kind of error or issue with the Dlink router you a factory reset router to default mode or visit mydlink login support website (support.dlink.com) to get the latest firmware and configuration help.


Final word

Dlink router login is possible with the direct login IP address, dlinkrouter..local or dlinkap.local URLs.If you are a beginner you can use a URL to access into mydlink router or if you are a tech expert you can use a direct IP address or URL as well. d’link router local setup and configuration from web browser same for any model only settings depend on the model.


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