Login Admin Password Router Admin Login Router Password  C Class private IP address from network Id and broadcast IP 192.168.O.50 IP address used as the default gateway IP address by many leading router and network device brands like Cisco, D-Link, NetComm, and many others. Login steps are similar to login router with same as login router using IP address. Login Default gateway ip address required to setup router first time as well as manage your internet settings and security to keep protect your home and office network. If you own router brands with default login IP address printed to router sticker and looking manual to access settings than you have to follow this user guide. Router and modem default settings also secured with a username and password in factory mode so you also need default credentials for your modem to access router settings.

Although this login IP address used by Dlink router login IP, cisco router and other brands so login username and password might differ for each brand and models so find login username and password detail printed t box and router sticker. However, find the default login username and password combination list below that works with most of the brands. Default login Username and password

Find default login IP address, username, and password printed to modem/router sticker or check the quick user guide included with the box during the first time. Find default login username and password list that probably work with 192.168 050.

Username Password
admin admin
admin 1234
admin password
admin na
root root

Default login settings also available on the official support site if your outer model number visible on the router sticker you can download the user manual in pdf from the official site.

Steps to Login Router using

You have to connect the router either using a wired or wireless connection to access the router web interface from the browser to manage configurations. Follow the steps to access the router control panel.

  • Turn ON the router using the DC power adapter and wait few seconds until the router boot properly.
  • Connect router/modem using LAN cable from Ethernet port or use default SSID name and password printed to router sticker for wireless connections.
  • Change windows/Mac /Linux IP settings to DHCP mode or use static IP
  • Open the web browser and access to the URL bar and press enter button. You will get a router login page with a username and password option to the login process.
  • Default Router IP Login
  • Use default login username and password as printed to detail login settings for your wifi router or DSL modem.
  • After successful router login, you can access router settings where you have to setup internet wan settings, wireless settings, port forwarding, content filtering, and other security settings.

You can change your wireless SSID, security key, Admin login password, and other settings once you access router control panels. For first-time internet configuration, you have to get internet settings from your internet service provider. Ask PPPoE username and password if the internet works on dialup or get static IP address gateway, subnet mask, and DNS detail for static internet type.

Login Troubleshooting’s

If you are facing any login issues while accessing the router from mobile or computer to login settings. You may be getting site cant reach, IP address taking a too long time to respond due to some network issue or other problems that can fix using troubleshoot steps.

Login IP Not Working

Unable to access router login using default IP address error can come with any brand router and there are many reasons to getting router login issue. Follow the steps below to fix the login issue.

  • Make sure Wired connect to LAN port if using LAN connection and check WiFi connected to same Wireless router if using wifi connections.
  • If you trying to log in to an old router make sure your default IP address has already not changed with a different IP address.
  • While accessing the IP address check you are using instead of using the wrong IP address such as 192.168.050, http//, www., or 192.168.o.50.
  • Check if using any network tools or firewall block IP address to access from a browser.


Mode IP Address Login Guide