How to Choose Best Wi-Fi Range Extender

What are the things to consider while choosing the best long range wifi extender outdoor and indoor to pick the best one?

How to Choose Best WiFi Range Extender

You are reading this article means you probably facing Wifi signal issues in your home or office area. There is several Best WiFi range extenders available in the market but picking the best one is not an easy job if you are not technical. Every company claims they are best in the WiFi repeater device which can solve your problems. You may try fewer also to solve your problem but fail to pick the best one. Not to worry! In this post, you will get a simple beginner guide to buying the best WiFi repeater to the device to boost WiFi range and work with any brand Wi-Fi access Point.

Not all the homes are constructed the same in structure and interior so not an easy task to pick the best one to boost the signal in every home. You likely need a strong long-range wifi range extender that can fix no coverage area in any type of stretchered house.

A WiFi extender is simply based on a wireless signal coming from the host access point which extends the range. There is some basic point that should be considered while planning to buy a new wireless signal booster or range extender device. You need to survey what area size you are facing a signal issue with and what type of construction you want to place the repeater device which will help you to pick the best repeater device.

What to Look for in a WiFi Extender?

What should I look for in a Wifi extender to pick the best one for best long range wifi extender outdoor?  A WiFi booster is a plug-and-play solution to fix wifi signal issues in a larger area without paying for physical cable to add another AP. There are some specifications to keep in mind to buy the best WiFi Booster for a big house and office.

1: Standards Compatibility

2: Frequency

3: Security

4: Ports

5: Antenna

6: Physical Looks

7: Cost

1: Standards Compatibility

WiFi range extender and router support IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n or IEEE 802.11 b/g/n or IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac compliant as per IEEE standard. IEE 802.11 b/g/n supports a 2.4Ghz signal band and a/b/g/n supports 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz together.

While buying a range extender you should keep in mind your wifi speed requirement to decide you require a single-band range extender or a dual-band range extender. Every WiFi router and Signal booster prefix its standard with the model number so must check whether it supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n or IEE 802.11 a/b/n/ac.

2: Frequency

Buying dual frequency range extenders will give you higher speed and range than a single frequency. The latest wifi router and signal booster comes with 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands which give you wireless speed of more than 1Gbps depending on the router model you pick up. A Dual-band router is always more expensive than a single router so make sure your existing router supports dual-band frequency otherwise, save money and go with a single-band extender. If your main internet wifi router is not dual-band and 11ac then buying a dual-band 11ac standard range extender useless for until the source internet speed is not accordingly.

3: Security

Security the most important feature to be kept in mind while planning to buy a new wifi signal range extender device. Today almost every band router supports the latest security type WPA2PSK type so you select a range extender that supports the latest WiFi security type.

4: Ports

There is a lot of range extenders available with direct power socket wall input so it fits with your home interior. Wireless repeater devices available th single Ethernet port and multiple Ethernet ports so make sure if you need multiple wired connections to a Desktop, NVR/DVR, or any other network device, then you can go with a multi-physical Ethernet port else pick a single port to save money as well.

5: Range extender Antenna

Best WiFi Range Extender: How to pick the right range

A repeater device is available with an inbuilt and external antenna. The inbuilt antenna will look classic look but the repeater range can less compared to the external antenna. If a dual-band Wi-Fi repeater comes with 2 or more external antennas or a single band mostly available with an inbuilt antenna.

6: Physical Look

Range extenders work with the wireless signal so it does not require any physical wiring. To keep the home looking clean most of people go with wifi range extender in the home to avoid laying physical cable. While searching for range extenders over the internet you will a lot of choices with different looks and attractive designs. Sometimes attractive looks are not worth in performance so do not decide range extender only by the looks also check the specifications before buying it. Want to go with a power socket mounted repeater or Desktop WIFI Extenders?

7: Cost

The motive of placing the cost factor in the last you can decide your budget after understanding the feature required in the extender device. Dual-band extender devices always have higher prices than a single band. Range extender device starts from 300Mbps to 750Mbps, 1200Mbps, and more with the price always higher. Compare the repeater device feature and price to pick the best extender under budget and also not compromised.

8: Manufacturer

OEM name also helps to pick a trusted quality Wi-Fi signal booster device. Never compromise with a new brand for saving few bucks where you can get leading trusted brand range extender devices. Buying a trusted manufacturer device will give you stable connectivity and easily can get support from customer care. So invest only for trust brands to avoid any wifi signal and connectivity issues.

How to Identify Range Extender Speed with Model Number

WiFi range extender speed prefix with its model so the user can easily identify the wireless speed of the device with the model number.

Range Extender N300 = 300Mbps WiFi speed

Dual Band Range Extender AC750= 2.4G = 300+ 5GHz= 450Mbps = Total 750Mpbs

Dual Band AC1200 Range Extender= 300Mbps + 900Mbps= 1200Mbps Dual Band

Dual Band 1750Mbps WiFi Extender = (450Mbps on 2.4GHz and 1300Mbps on 5GHz)

These are some example prefixes with a WiFi device model to show its supported wireless speed. There is some best WiFi range Extender list to boost the existing wifi network without changing wifi password and name.

List of Dual-Band Wi-Fi Signal Booster device

1: TP-Link RE580D Wi-Fi Range Extender

2: TP-Link RE450 TP-LINK AC1750 Wi-Fi Range Extender

3: D-Link DAP-1610 AC1200 Wi-Fi Range Extender

4: WiFi Blast Wireless Repeater Wi-fi Range Extender 300Mbps WifiBlast Amplifier

There is the above feature to be kept in mind while planning to Choose the Best WiFi Range Extender in 2019 to avoid buying any wrong device.

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